Our Services

Lesson Packages

Pluto Package - $450

This package includes 3 hours of in-home training lessons. It is ideal for clients working on basic obedience skills such as puppy obedience, house training, or a well-defined behavior concern such leash reactivity

Scooby Package - $850

his package includes 6 hours of in-home training and is useful for clients looking for a more comprehensive coverage of obedience skills and/or certain behavior modification such as leash reactivity, stranger danger with guests entering the home, and some off-leash social skills

Wishbone Package - $1200

This is ideal for more complex behavior modification needs where training goals are focused around fear, aggression, and anxiety. If you and your pup are struggling with more than one behavior issue, this package will help you and your dog learn alternate and incompatible behaviors

Puppy Social Field Trips

Puppy Social Field Trips

Our twice monthly puppy field trips meet in new environments such as the belt line, farmer markets, and the various parks around Atlanta in order to provide your puppy with invaluable socialization during their critical socialization period. Is you puppy not fully vaccinated? No problem, you can bring a bag or blanket for them!